I am currently working at Ethereum Foundation and sometimes do research at the National University of Singapore. In the past, I have worked at Zalando, GDS (now part of AON), Cisco, and Security Research Labs.
As part of my research activities, I am interested in SAT solving, Model Counting and sampling, SMT solvers, and in general beyond-SAT. I maintain the SAT solver CryptoMiniSat and I help maintain the SMT solver STP. I am also one of the main authors of ApproxMC, UniGen, Arjun, Pepin, and Bosphorus.
I continuously maintain these tools, and take great care to make sure they are easy to use. These tools combined have over 500 issues solved on GitHub. Most of my tools are hooked up to automated fuzzers, build systems, release systems (e.g. PyPi), and have in total have 100s of hand-written test cases. In my opinion, good research tools work, and continue to work.
My Workplaces, Professors, etc.
I have done research at the National University of Singapore. I was a security architect at Zalando for 3.5 years, and a security consultant for 2 years in London working at Gotham Digital Science where I did risk assessment, threat modelling, pentesting and related work. I also worked at Cisco London on the security of the Telepresence Server and the videoconferencing subsystem in Spark. Prior to that, I worked for nearly 4.5 years at Security Research Labs where I worked on helping clients with their threat models, mostly related to telecommunications and embedded systems, and broke/wrote a tool to easily reverse a bunch of embedded ciphers.
I received my Masters diploma from BUTE, and I have done my PhD in the PLANETE team of INRIA Rhone-Alpes under the supervision of Claude Castelluccia, conducting research on RFID security and privacy and low-complexity cryptography. I have also done one year of Post-Doctoral study under the supervision of Jean-Charles Faugere.
I worked in Pantel (thanks to Jeroen Temme there) for about 1.5 years in total, where I wrote a MySQL-based telephone-call matching system.
General interests

I like art, books, films, and making things. Nowadays, I spend quite some time making & flying model airplanes.
personal email: soos.mate@gmail.com