Tag Archives: Release

CryptoMiniSat 4.2 released

CryptoMiniSat 4.2 has been released. This release brings multi-threading, some bug fixes, and a lot of code cleanup.


Multi-threading has been implemented using the std::thread class of C++11. This makes it very portable and at the same time easy to use. Multi-threading is very simple and only shares unitary and binary learnt clauses. This is in comparison to other approaches that have some form of complex clause-sharing algorithms, sometimes even sharing clause databases. However, this system works when it’s used as a library, even with assumptions. Simply call set_num_threads(N) before calling any other functions.

The method used to speed up the system is the portfolio method, i.e. there are many threads started with different parameters and they share some information among them. The threads are configured as:

switch(thread_num) {
case 1: {
    conf.restartType = restart_type_geom;
    conf.polarity_mode = CMSat::polarmode_neg;
    conf.varElimRatioPerIter = 1;
case 2: {
    conf.shortTermHistorySize = 80;
    conf.clauseCleaningType = CMSat::clean_glue_based;
    conf.restartType = CMSat::restart_type_glue;
    conf.increaseClean = 1.08;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.55;
case 3: {
    conf.doVarElim = 0;
    conf.doGateFind = 0;
    conf.more_red_minim_limit_cache = 400;
    conf.more_red_minim_limit_binary = 200;
    conf.probe_bogoprops_timeoutM = 3500;
    conf.restartType = CMSat::restart_type_agility;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.6;
case 4: {
    conf.simplify_at_startup = 1;
    conf.regularly_simplify_problem = 0;
    conf.varElimRatioPerIter = 1;
    conf.restartType = restart_type_geom;
    conf.clauseCleaningType = CMSat::clean_sum_activity_based;
    conf.polarity_mode = CMSat::polarmode_neg;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.65;
case 5: {
    conf.doGateFind = 0;
    conf.more_red_minim_limit_cache = 100;
    conf.more_red_minim_limit_binary = 100;
    conf.probe_bogoprops_timeoutM = 4000;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.6;
case 6: {
    conf.numCleanBetweenSimplify = 1;
    conf.skip_some_bve_resolvents = 1;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.7;
case 7: {
    conf.clauseCleaningType = CMSat::clean_sum_confl_depth_based;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.55;
case 8: {
    conf.polarity_mode = CMSat::polarmode_pos;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.6;
case 9: {
    conf.do_bva = 0;
    conf.doGateFind = 0;
    conf.more_red_minim_limit_cache = 800;
    conf.more_red_minim_limit_binary = 400;
    conf.polarity_mode = CMSat::polarmode_neg;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.6;
case 10: {
    conf.do_bva = 0;
    conf.doGateFind = 0;
    conf.restartType = CMSat::restart_type_agility;
    conf.clauseCleaningType = CMSat::clean_glue_based;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.6;
case 11: {
    conf.simplify_at_startup = 1;
    conf.propBinFirst = 1;
    conf.doLHBR = 1;
    conf.increaseClean = 1.12;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.7;
default: {
    conf.clauseCleaningType = CMSat::clean_glue_based;
    conf.ratioRemoveClauses = 0.7;

These configurations have been chosen because they seemed to have quite orthogonal parameters. Only 12 threads are properly configured, the rest are not really configured and are only cleaning a lot more clauses than normal (so as not to run out of memory). In a certain sense, the above is the “secret sauce” that makes the parallel system work.

Code cleanup

The code has been greatly refactored. This is an ongoing effort, but its fruits are already quite visible. In general, variable and function names are more meaningful, function sizes have been drastically cut and the expressiveness of the code has been improved.

Unfortunately, C++ (and C) are quite limiting in a number of ways, and so CryptoMiniSat might move to other languages such as Go. Go for example provides reflection and significantly improved compile times. These two are very useful for development: the former greatly simplifies testing while the latter allows for quicker build (and thus debug) cycles.


CryptoMiniSat 4 released

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CryptoMiniSat 4 is now available for download. This version brings a number of substantial improvements and picks up speed to be as good as the best solvers out there. It now has a much improved library interface as well as a simple but powerful python interface.

SAT Competition 2014

This release is made ahead of the SAT competition 2014 deadlines so anybody can compete and actually have a chance to win. Unfortunately, the way I see it, it’s not possible to use newer versions of lingeling or riss (see license for for details), MiniSat is rather old and glucose doesn’t have new simplification techniques. If you feel the same way, and you rather not write 30K LoC of code, you might enjoy playing with CryptoMiniSat v4 and submitting it to the competition. You can change as much as you like, it’s LGPLv2 — just don’t call it CryptoMiniSat.

Improvements and techniques

Here is a non-exhaustive list of techniques used in CryptoMiniSat v4:

  • Variable elimination and replacement, strengthening, subsumption, vivification
  • On-the-fly stamping, literal caching, hyper-binary resolution and transitive reduction during failed literal probing
  • Bounded variable addition with hack to allow 2-literal diff
  • DRUP-based unsatisfiable proof logging
  • Gate-based clause shortening and removal
  • XOR recovery and manipulation (NOTE: uses the M4RI library that is GPL, if you want LGPL, compile without it)
  • Precise time- and memory tracking. No time or memory-outs on weird CNFs
  • Precise usefulness tracking of all clauses
  • Clause usefulness-based redundant clause removal. Glues are not used by default, but glues are tracked and can be used (command line option)
  • Variable renumbering and variable number hiding. Thanks to this, XOR clauses are cut and the added variables are transparent to the user.
  • SQL-based data logging and AJAX-based powerful data display
  • And of course many-many more

All of the above are implemented as inprocessing techniques. I do not believe in preprocessing and the solver does not in fact use preprocessing at all — it immediately starts to solve instead. This, as everything else, is configurable and you can change it by passing `’–presimp 1’` as a command-line option. There are a total of 120 command-line options so you can tune the solver as you like.

Python interface

It’s intuitive and fun to use:

>>> from pycryptosat import Solver
>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add_clause([-1])
>>> s.add_clause([1, 2])
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
>>> print solution[1]
>>> print solution[2]

You can even have assumptions:

>>> from pycryptosat import Solver
>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add_clause([-1])
>>> sat, solution = s.solve([1])
>>> print sat
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat

All the power of the SAT solver in a very accessible manner. XOR clauses are trivial, too:

>>> from pycryptosat import Solver
>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add_xor_clause([1, 2], false)
>>> sat, solution = s.solve([1])
>>> print sat
>>> print solution[1]
>>> print solution[2]

Where the second argument is the right hand side (RHS) of the equation v1 XOR v2 = False.

C++ interface

Usage is pretty simple, and the header files have been significantly cleaned up:

using std::vector;
using namespace CMSat;

int main()
    Solver solver;
    vector clause;

    //adds "1 0"
    clause.push_back(Lit(0, false));

    //adds "-2 0"
    clause.push_back(Lit(1, true));

    //adds "-1 2 3 0"
    clause.push_back(Lit(0, true));
    clause.push_back(Lit(1, false));
    clause.push_back(Lit(2, false));

    lbool ret = solver.solve();
    assert(ret == l_True);
    assert(solver.get_model()[0] == l_True);
    assert(solver.get_model()[1] == l_False);
    assert(solver.get_model()[2] == l_True);

    return 0;

Some suggestions where you can improve the solver to compete

Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that you can improve to win at the competition:

  • Add your own weird idea. You can add new variables if you like, use the occurrence lists already built, and take advantage of all the datastructures (such as stamps, literal cache) already present.
  • Tune the parameters. I only have exactly one i7-4770 to tune the parameters. You might have more. All parameters are accessible from command line, so tuning should be trivial.
  • Use glues to clean clauses. Or use a combination of glues and usefulness metrics. All the metrics are at your fingertips.
  • Make bounded variable addition work for learnt clauses. I could never figure this one out.
  • Improve the ordering of variable elimination. Makes a huge difference.
  • Try a different approach: I use the ‘heavy’ approach where I don’t remove all clauses that I can as I like strong propagation properties. You might try the ‘light’ approach where everything is removed if possible. Just set variable elimination to 100% and add blocked clause elimination. It might work.

For example, below is the code that calculates which clause should be cleaned or kept. You can clearly see how easily this can be changed using the data elements below:

bool Solver::reduceDBStructPropConfl::operator() (const ClOffset xOff, const ClOffset yOff) {
    const Clause* x = clAllocator.getPointer(xOff);
    const Clause* y = clAllocator.getPointer(yOff);

    uint64_t x_useful = x->stats.propagations_made
                        + x->stats.conflicts_made;
    uint64_t y_useful = y->stats.propagations_made
                        + y->stats.conflicts_made;
    return x_useful < y_useful;

//the data you can use to hack the above calculation:
struct ClauseStats
    uint32_t glue;    ///

If you were thinking about submitting your weird hack to the MiniSat hacktrack, think about doing the same to CrytoMiniSat v4. You might actually win the real competition. You can change as much as you like.

I will submit a description of CryptoMiniSat v4, your description can simply say that it's the same except for xyz that you changed. The point of the descriptions is so that people can read what you did and why and then comprehend the results in that light. Just explain carefully what you did and why, and you should be fine.


Many-many thanks to Martin Maurer who has submitted over 100 bug reports through the GitHub issue system. Kudos to all who have helped me use, debug and improve the solver. To name just a few: Vegard Nossum, Martin Albrecht, Karsten Nohl, Luca Melette, Vijay Ganesh and Robert Aston.

CryptoMiniSat 3.3 released

This is just a short note that CryptoMiniSat 3.3 has been released. This is mainly a bugfix release. I have managed to make a fuzzer that simulates library usage of the system by interspersing the CNF with “c Solver::solve()” calls and then checking the intermediate solutions. Checking is either performed by verifying that all clauses are satisfied, or if the solution is UNSAT, by using a standard SAT solver (I use lingeling). This turned up a surprising number of bugs. I have also fixed the web-based statistics printing which should now work without a hitch.

The non-bugfix part of the release is that CryptoMiniSat now saves memory by dynamically shortening and reallocating the watchlist pointer array and some other data structures. This can save quite a bit of memory on large, sparse instances.

CryptoMiniSat 3.2.0 released

CyptoMinSat 3.2.0 has been released. This code should be extremely stable and should contain no bugs. In case it does, CryptoMiniSat will fail quite bady at the competition. I have fuzzed the solver for about 2-3000 CPU hours, with some sophisticated fuzzers (all available here — most of them not mine) so all should be fine, but fingers are crossed.

Additions and fixes

The main addition this time is certification proofs for UNSAT through the use of DRUP. This allows for use of the solver where certainty of the UNSAT result is a necessity — e.g. where lives could potentially depend on it. Unfortunately, proof checking is relatively slow through any system, though DRUP seems to be the best and fastest method. Other than the implementation of DRUP, I have fixed some issues with variable replacement.

SAT Competition’13

The description of the solver sent in to the SAT Competition’13 is available from the subfolder “desc” of the tarball. The code of 3.2.0 is actually the same that will run during the competition, the only changes made were:

  • the DRUP output had to be put into the standard output
  • the line “o proof DRUP” had to be printed
  • certified UNSAT binary uses the “–unsat 1” option by default
  • compilation was changed to use the m4ri library that was included with the tarball
  • linking is static so m4ri and other requirements don’t cause trouble
  • boost minimum version had to be lowered

You can download my submissions to the competition, forl, from here and here.